Aktuelles | 10-09-24 NMI re-accredited – two methods added The certificate from the German Accreditation Body has just arrived at the NMI. This means that the testing spectrum at the institute has now been extended by two methods. continue reading
Aktuelles | 09-09-24 Microscopy Congress: NMI researchers present their findings NMI delegation in Copenhagen: A total of seven scientists attended the European Microscopy Congress last week. The NMI researchers contributed with lectures and poster presentations. continue reading
Press | 06-09-24 Endometriosis: NMI involved in new project It has a reputation as the “chameleon of gynecology” and has long been neglected in research: endometriosis. With its expertise in non-destructive imaging, the NMI is now supporting a project at Tübingen University Hospital. continue reading
Press | 14-08-24 Fiber4Ink: Project meeting at the NMI The Fiber4Ink project partners meet every six months to exchange ideas. Today, they discussed the current project status at the NMI. continue reading
Press | 13-08-24 Weightless medicine? NMI presents itself at space startup The NMI in space? Not quite yet. But microphysiological research and organ-on-chip solutions are arousing interest in the growing field of medical research in zero gravity. continue reading
Aktuelles | 12-08-24 Award for NMI alumna Explaining complex science in a generally understandable way is a real challenge - NMI alumna Dr. Anna-Lena Keller has this ability. She has been awarded the KlarText Prize for Science Communication. continue reading