Aktuelles | 17-12-24 NMI image brochure published What are the researchers at the NMI actually working on? The brand new image brochure now provides an overview of the diverse research at the institute - from non-destructive imaging and the recycling of diapers to analytical methods of almost unimaginable precision. continue reading
Aktuelles | 16-12-24 Schizophrenia: NMI observes processes in nerve cells Is it enough to treat the symptoms, or do we want to get to the causes of the illness? Researchers at the NMI have succeeded in observing processes at protein level in the nerve cells of schizophrenia patients. This is a step towards possible new treatment methods. continue reading
Aktuelles | 10-12-24 Hand in hand for greater patient safety Second expert forum of the ProbenMaterialCenterBW funding project brings medtech companies and clinics together continue reading
Press | 04-12-24 Joint research in key technologies: NMI and KIT sign cooperation agreement The NMI and KIT launch a partnership in the fields of materials science, energy storage and medical statistics. continue reading
Aktuelles | 04-12-24 Woundsens project meeting in Nancy How is WoundSens progressing? The project partners from the NMI, EvoEnzyme and the Institut Jean Lamour (IJL) presented the current status of their work in Nancy (France). continue reading
Aktuelles | 21-10-24 Katja Schenke-Layland becomes University Vice-Rector - and remains at the NMI The Director of the NMI, Prof. Katja Schenke-Layland, was elected Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Transfer at the University of Tübingen by a large majority last Friday. She succeeds Prof. Peter Grathwohl, who will retire on March 31, 2025. At the same time, she will continue in her post at the NMI. continue reading