In projects of this kind, the bonding of nitinol blended compounds is investigated in more detail, particularly with regard to medical applications. To this end, different pretreatment methods are tested for their suitability for bonding, such as strength and durability, and an evaluation is carried out with regard to economic aspects.
The aim of the project is to develop an optimization of the surface pretreatment of nitinol and non-metallic materials, such as stainless steel, to improve their adhesive properties. The bondings must ensure sufficient durability without failure in use. In addition, in the case of substitution of another joining process, an adhesive-technical design of the joints with an adapted design suitable for adhesive bonding is worked out as an example, taking into account the requirements for surgical instruments and medical devices (e.g. freedom from gaps, disassembly, etc.).
Such projects include the development of requirement profiles, the investigation of suitable and cost-effective surface pretreatment processes, the use of qualified laboratory and practical tests involving manufacturers and users. By using the existing know-how of the participating research centers and companies (specialized in material testing and manufacturing of surgical instruments and medical devices), they aim to develop efficient and practical solutions.