The basis of actions at the NMI are the fundamental principles listed in the United Nations Global Compact. To promote the implementation of these principles, the NMI has established a sustainability policy that also calls on NMI suppliers of goods and services to uphold and respect human rights and laws. Details can be found here.
The Equal Opportunity Planserves to achieve the goals formulated in the Federal Equal Opportunity Act (Bundesgleichstellunggesetz, BGleiG) and is an essential instrument of personnel planning, especially personnel development.
In order to achieve successful results, good scientific practice is required. This includes basic details such as design of experiments, documentation and authorship of publications. The German Research Foundation (DFG) provides a concise code on its website for Good Scientific Practice, to which the NMI is committed. Your group and department heads can provide further details specific to their scientific subject and their working group.
The ombudsman at the NMI is Prof. Hans-Peter Rodemann. (Contact: hans-peter.rodemann(at)