Despite the low greenhouse effect of CO2, CO2 emissions alone account for the largest share of climate-relevant emissions in Baden-Württemberg due to the quantity emitted. Baden-Württemberg's declared goal is for the state's greenhouse gas emissions to be at least 42 percent lower than in 1990 by 2030. In order to achieve the targeted greenhouse gas neutrality, it will probably be necessary to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, as, according to current knowledge, there will still be unavoidable emissions in the future, e.g. in agriculture. However, carbon dioxide (CO2) is both a greenhouse gas and a valuable resource, for example for the synthesis of plastics and renewable fuels (e-fuels).
The CO2-FaX2 research network focuses on the research and development of innovative wall paints and varnishes. CO2 is to be actively removed from the atmosphere by absorption, e.g. on building walls and car paint surfaces. Furthermore, a decentralized household concept is to be researched in which CO2 can be converted into energy sources using chemical and/or biotechnological catalytic processes. To achieve these goals, expertise in the fields of materials science, biosciences and chemical process engineering will be pooled. In particular, the research alliance enables regional companies in the construction and automotive industries and their suppliers, as well as the region's research institutions, to access previously unavailable technologies and supports them in the development of new business areas.
The lighthouse project "CO2-FaX2 " of the regional development concept RegioWIN FORTUNA² Neckar-Alb receives support from the state of Baden-Württemberg and the EU (ERDF funds) for the upcoming research.