Cell-specific analysis of spatial ion patterns of stomata under salinity in two salt sensitve crops

Analysis of a cell layer of field bean leaves for the University of Hohenheim. The aim is to understand the reasons for the salt tolerance of plants


Field bean (Vicia faba) is sensitive to salt, especially to elevated chloride. In comparison, maize is moderately sensitive to NaCl. This project of the University of Hohenheim wants to understand the reasons for this, the NMI supports in a subcontract with its expertise in nanoscale observation.

A cell layer of the leaves of field beans and maize is cultivated at the University of Hohenheim after different treatments during cultivation. For this purpose, the thin layers are prepared on TEM grids (diameter 3mm) at the UH. These grids are stored in special containers and transported to the NMI under liquid nitrogen - i.e. frozen.

The employees of the Nanotechnology Center at the NMI have developed a method for viewing the same sample site under a light and fluorescence microscope. After the first analysis, the cell sample is stored on the TEM grid in liquid nitrogen and can be viewed again at any time in the cryo light and cryo FIB/SEM microscope.

More information on the website of the University of Hohenheim.

01.01.2024 - 31.07.2025


Dr. Claus J. Burkhardt

Center for Nanoanalytics