
Highly stable, dry-storable microreference electrode for applications in biotechnology, medical diagnostics and process technology

The project goal is to develop a highly stable, dry-storable complete microreference electrode and integrate it into sensor systems for i) medical diagnostics, ii) biotechnology, and iii) chemical reaction engineering.


The Refs4apps project aims to miniaturize and integrate the reference electrode in applications of the participating companies and to provide functional samples for tests on temperature stability, sterilizability, storage stability and potential stability.
The development of the solid-state electrolyte is of central importance. In this process, a multicomponent monomer solution and a derivatized ionic liquid are crosslinked, e.g. by photopolymerization, to form a terpolymer. The crosslinking results in a large polymer molecule that swells little and provides ionic conductivity.
The solid state electrolyte will be the link with an Ag/AgCl electrode element and the analyte to be measured. On the one hand, the circuit is closed by the salt bridge to the solid-state electrolyte and, on the other hand, chloride ions are provided to the electrode element.

01.02.2013 - 31.01.2016