MEA Meeting - Exchange, discussions and impulses

After 4 years it was finally time again - the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute in Reutlingen invited the network of microelectrode array (MEA) developers and users to Tübingen for the MEA Conference 2022. From Wednesday to Friday (06.-08.07.2022) the 150 participants* were offered an extensive scientific program. Measuring miniature brains grown on flexible MEAs, wireless neuroprostheses that could make artificial vision possible in the future, or microfluidics-based physiological systems were some of the most exciting topics presented in more than 20 talks and an extensive poster session. After the scientific exchange, the participants* were offered a cultural program. Besides a delicious dinner in the traditional sausage kitchen in Tübingen, the participants had the opportunity to take part in an evening punting tour.

Whether on land or on water - the 3-day event not only brought the researchers together, but also gave the starting signal for new ideas and collaborations.

Many thanks to Dr. Peter Jones, group leader at the NMI, and Prof. Dr. Günther Zeck, Prof. at the Vienna University of Technology, as well as all the helpers at the NMI for organizing and running the successful conference. Last but not least, we would like to thank all participants and exhibitors for the many pleasant and exciting discussions.

We would like to thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for financial support.
