Hand in hand for greater patient safety

Press release of BioLAGO e.V. - das Gesundheitsnetzwerk, published on 12 Dec 2024

Representatives from the medical technology industry came together with clinicians and regulatory and legal experts at an online event organized by the “ProbenMaterialCenterBW” innovation project funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism. Together, current obstacles to cooperation between companies and healthcare facilities were highlighted and opportunities for cooperation were discussed.

The event was organized by the consortium partners BioLAGO and the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen NMI, who are working together as part of the “ProbenMaterialCenterBW” funding project. The aim of the funding project is to improve the availability of clinical samples and implants taken from the body for companies in the healthcare industry. The funding project thus actively supports the diagnostics and medical technology sector in Baden-Württemberg so that innovative healthcare products continue to be developed in the state and vital medical products remain available on the market.

Regulatory and practical knowledge equally in focus       

The online event focused on the medical technology industry, which is under great pressure due to the new requirements of the EU regulations (MDR). For this reason, the event discussed the question of what needs medical technology companies currently have with regard to the implementation of the MDR and what role access to implants removed from the body can play here. In this context, both regulatory and legal experts had their say. Medical law attorney Oliver Butzmann shared his valuable expertise with the interested audience, as did regulatory experts Dr. Jennifer Dean and Marie-Laure Castelain from Metecon GmbH. 

But the practical side was also highlighted. Dr. Ina Wüstefeld, Managing Director of CeramTec Switzerland LLC, gave an impressive account of her perspective as a representative of a medical technology company. The event concluded with a presentation by Dr. med. dent. Matthias C. Schulz, specialist in oral surgery and senior physician at Tübingen University Hospital. As a clinic representative, he highlighted the needs of the medical profession, but also addressed his role at the interface between industry representatives and patients.

“The intensive exchange with industry and hospital representatives is important for our ProbenMaterialCenterBW funding project, as this is the only way we can systematically record the needs of the various stakeholders and develop tailor-made solutions in our project. As consortium leader of the ProbenMaterialCenterBW, I would therefore like to thank all the speakers who have shared their knowledge and wealth of experience with us,” concludes Dr. Xin Xiong, Group Leader for Biofunctionalized Surfaces at the NMI.
