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Januar 2025

Autoren: Blum, J., Brüll, M., Hengstler, J. G., Dietrich, D. R., Gruber, A. J., Dipalo, M., Leist, M. Kraushaar, U.

The long way from raw data to NAM-based information: Overview on data layers and processing steps

Toxicological test methods generate raw data and provide instructions on how to use these to determine a final outcome such as a classification of test compounds as hits or non-hits.


Dezember 2024

Autoren: Nicole Vasilenko, Maria P. Tieck, Tanja Michel, Sonja Schembecker, Patricia Schwarz, Anna Guenther, Christoph Ruschil, Sven Poli, Ulf Ziemann, Antje Giede-Jeppe, Gisela Gabernet, Alex Dulovic, Markus C. Kowarik

In-depth analysis of serum antibodies against Epstein-Barr virus lifecycle proteins, and EBNA1, ANO2, GlialCAM and CRYAB peptides in patients with multiple sclerosis

The MS-specific, differential antibody response to EBV antigens confirms an altered immunological response to EBV in MS patients.


Dezember 2024

Autoren: Annabelle Neuhäusler, Katharina Rogg, Sebastian Schröder, Dieter Spiehl, Haris Zora, Elsa Arefaine, Julia Schettler, Hanna Hartmann, Andreas Blaeser

Electrospun microfibers to enhance nutrient supply in bioinks and 3D-bioprinted tissue precursors

3D-bioprinting is a promising technique to mimic the complex anatomy of natural tissues, as it comprises a precise and gentle way of placing bioinks containing cells and hydrogel.


Dezember 2024

Autoren: Laubach, M., Hartmann, H., Holzapfel, B. M., Mayer-Wagner, S., Schenke-Layland, K., & Hutmacher, D. W.

3-D-Druck in der Chirurgie: Relevanz der Bewertung der Technologiereife in Forschungsstudien zum Bioprinting

Biologische 3‑D-Druckverfahren (sog. Bioprinting) sind eine Erweiterung dessen, was in den American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)- und International Organization for Standardization(ISO)-Normen als additive Fertigung definiert ist, und basieren auf dem automatisierten Druck von lebenden Zellen und Biomaterialien.


November 2024

Autoren: Manuela Harries, Carolina J. Klett-Tammen, Isti Rodiah, Alex Dulovic, Veronika K Jaeger, Jessica Krepel, Sebastian Contreras, Katrin Maak, Patrick Marsall, Annette Möller, Jana-Kristin Heise, Stefanie Castell, Nicole Schneiderhan-Marra, André Karch, Berit Lange

Novel multiplex tools in an epidemic panel improve prediction of RSV infection dynamics and disease burden – a RESPINOW analysis

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among infants and adult risk groups worldwide. Substantial case-underdetection and gaps in the understanding of reinfection dynamics of RSV limit reliable projection estimates.


Oktober 2024

Autoren: Aaron Stahl, Johanna Heider, Richard Wüst, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Katja Schenke-Layland, Hansjürgen Volkmer, Markus Templin

Patient iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells display aberrant cell cycle control, p53, and DNA damage response protein expression in schizophrenia

SCZ neural progenitors displayed altered expression and phosphorylation patterns related to Wnt and MAPK signaling, protein synthesis, cell cycle regulation and DNA damage response.