Dezember 2024
3D-bioprinting is a promising technique to mimic the complex anatomy of natural tissues, as it comprises a precise and gentle way of placing bioinks containing cells and hydrogel.
Dezember 2024
Biologische 3‑D-Druckverfahren (sog. Bioprinting) sind eine Erweiterung dessen, was in den American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM)- und International Organization for Standardization(ISO)-Normen als additive Fertigung definiert ist, und basieren auf dem automatisierten Druck von lebenden Zellen und Biomaterialien.
Oktober 2024
SCZ neural progenitors displayed altered expression and phosphorylation patterns related to Wnt and MAPK signaling, protein synthesis, cell cycle regulation and DNA damage response.
Oktober 2024
Endothelial cells form the inner lining of our vascular system facilitating the supply of oxygen and nutrients to and removal of waste from surrounding tissues. In this work, we investigate the differences between ECs from various tissues regarding their biochemical composition, angiogenic potential, adaptation to flow, and coculture properties in vitro in the context of diabetes research.
Oktober 2024
Den Forschenden ist es gelungen, durch gezielte Veränderung der Kommunikation zwischen Nervenzellen den Einfluss einer für Emotionen verantwortlichen Hirnregion, des Mandelkerns (Amygdala), auf die Manifestation von Angstsymptomen nachzuweisen.
September 2024
Traditional genomic profiling and mutation analysis of single cells like Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) fails to capture post-translational and functional alterations of proteins, often leading to limited treatment efficacy.
August 2024
Animal studies and clinical trials suggest that maintenance of gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic activity may be crucial in coping with stressful conditions, anxiety and mood disorders. Drugs highly efficient in promoting anxiolysis were shown to activate this system, particularly via the α2-subunit of type A receptors (GABAA α2).
August 2024
Cardiac hypertrophy is characterized by remodeling of the myocardium, which involves alterations in the ECM (extracellular matrix) and cardiomyocyte structure. These alterations critically contribute to impaired contractility and relaxation, ultimately leading to heart failure.
Juli 2024