
Januar 2003

Autoren: Bauerdick S, Burkhardt C, Rudorf R, Barth W, Bucher V, Nisch W

In-situ monitoring of electron beam induced deposition by atomic force microscopy in a scanning electron microscope.

Januar 2003

Autoren: Grunfelder CG, Engstler M, Weise F, Schwarz H, Stierhof YD, Morgan GW, Field MC, Overath P

Endocytosis of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein via clathrin-coated vesicles, sorting by default in endosomes, and exocytosis via RAB11-positive carriers.

Januar 2003

Autoren: Templin MF, Stoll D, Schwenk JM, Pötz O, Kramer S, Joos TO

Protein microarrays: promising tools for proteomic research

Juni 2000

Autoren: Stett A, Barth W, Weiss S, Haemmerle H, Zrenner E

Electrical multisite stimulation of the isolated chicken retina

Juni 1998

Autoren: Deroo S, El Kasmi K, Fournier P, Theisen D, Brons N, Herrmann M, Desmet J, Muller C

Enhanced antigenicity of a four-contact-residue epitope of the measles virus hemagglutinin protein by phage display libraries: evidence of a helical structure in the putative active site

Juni 1998

Autoren: Wiesmüller KH, Feiertag S, Fleckenstein B, Kienle S, Stoll D, Herrmann M, Jung G

Combinatorial Peptide and Nonpeptide Libraries

September 1996

Autoren: Ziegler Ch, Martin D, Göpel W

Thermal Stability And Sublimation Behavior Of (Gapcf)N, (Alpcf)N And Their 1:1 Copolymer

Juni 1995

Autoren: Fromherz P, Stett A

Silicon-Neuron Junction: Capacitive Stimulation of an Individual Neuron on a Silicon Chip. Silicon-Neuron Junction: Capacitive Stimulation of an Individual Neuron on a Silicon Chip.

November 1993

Autoren: Martin D, Elliot Martin R, Ziegler Ch, Willis M, Göpel W

Conductivity measurements of (GaPcF)n and (AlPcF)N thin films: influence of gas exposure and structural disorder